We are building the most helpful AI to augment the intelligence of anyone, anywhere, at any time

There is nothing “artificial” or “human” about machine intelligence, it is its own intelligence, perhaps a unicorn’s!

About Verneek

Verneek HQ Office

We are deeptech AI startup in NYC, with the mission of “building the most helpful AI to augment the intelligence of anyone, anywhere, at any time”.

Verneek is full-stack, as we develop both the underlying proprietary technology platform as well as various end-to-end solutions in-house. Our core product is our developer-friendly domain-general AI Platform, providing enterprises with one holistic hyper-personalized and hyper-localized conversation search & discovery AI on top of any of their digital or physical environments. 

Verneek was founded in 2021 by a team of Language AI Scientists who have believed that “human language is the new machine language” for almost two decades.


Building the Most Helpful AI

/ˈvɜːrnēk/ noun

'Verneek' is a play on the word 'Wernicke', which is the name of the area of brain that is responsible for language development and understanding. Verneek is a compound noun, with 'ver' being the root word for truth in Latin and 'neek' meaning nerd + geek, which hints at some 'neeks' getting to the bottom of truth.

Meet the Founders

We were founded by renowned AI scientists who have been obsessed with giving machines common sense! They have pioneered various lines of AI research that push AI toward deeper world understanding.

Meet the Advisors

We are backed by world-renowned business and scientific luminaries who serve on our advisory board.

About Our Culture